Monday, February 21, 2011

2011 NCTIES session: Alice- the Free, Fun, and Easy Way to Introduce Students to Programming

You are invited to the 2011 NCTIES session "Alice-the Free, Fun, and Easy Way to Introduce Students to Programming which will be on Friday from 12:10pm to 1:10pm in Meeting Room 302A. Bring laptop for hands-on demonstration. Look at 2008 blog posts for video samples.

Here is a link to the presentation

Alice is a Free animation/programming software program from Carnegie Mellon. It encourages students especially girls/minorities to learn programming in a fun way by creating animation/video games as they learn concepts. Studies show students using Alice succeed in future programming classes. Bring laptop for hands-on demonstration. Winner top 3 sessions at 2009 NCTIES!

Come early to preview the prizes. Prentice Hall has donated the following books worth over $388 as door prizes:

Starting Out with Alice: A Visual Introduction to Programming (2nd Edition) (Gaddis Series) $ 75.00

Exploring Wonderland: Java Programming Using Alice and Media Computation (Paperback) $119.00 by Wanda Dann, Stephen Cooper, and Barbara Ericson

Learning to Program with Alice (2nd Edition) $79.00 by Wanda Dann, Stephen Cooper, and Randy Pausch

Programming with Alice and Java $113 by John Lewis and Peter Depasquale

Elaine Witkowski, Archdale-Trinity Middle School

Jill Elberson, Randleman Middle School

Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Other, Universities are also teaching Alice as a pre-computer science class.